Fabbri F55 wood fire

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  •  Lotnumber 0005
  •  Current servertime Monday 13 Mei 2024 - 10u47
  •  Auction start Tuesday 17 November 2020 - 04u00
  •  Auction end Thursday 10 December 2020 - 19u07

Fabbri F55 wood fire, year of construction 2019, SN 420 M

With a wood-burning stove you can burn wood waste (or other wood shavings). The heat produced is blown into the workshop. Wood-burning stoves can be used to burn all kinds of biomass and solid fuels: wood, briquettes, pellets or wood shavings. The combustion chamber is made of stainless steel. The energy of the flue gases produced is recovered in order to achieve lower emissions and higher efficiency.

Model F F 55 cv

invent. with range *
heating volume (m³) 1,000
weight (kg) 305

dimensions :
A-width (mm) 700
W-height (mm) 1,750
C depth (mm) 1,150

hot air tubes (mm) 2 x 200
flue diameter (mm) 180
power fan (HP) 0.35
voltage(Volt) 220 mono

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